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Tackle MS... Cleats and Cold Ones Scores a Touchdown

The Tackle MS…Cleats & Cold Ones fundraiser on November 8, 2013 was a winning event. Through the generosity of those who attended, donated and contributed, KV’s Krew, Inc. netted $4,037 which will be contributed to the MS Society – Ohio Buckeye Chapter. Since 2009, between five MS Walks and two fundraising dinners, we have raised $40,932 for the MS Society.

The MS Society needs our help! The Villella Family created this event because the MS Society needs people to promote education and awareness and they need money for research. A cure may not be found tomorrow or in time to help our Mom, but it may save someone you love. And, we continue to believe that through your generous donations and support a cure will be found.

The generosity of our family members and friends is beneficial as it enables the MS Society to continue to do much-needed research and to continue to educate individuals about the affects of living with MS. With all of the charities you are able to support, we are grateful that you chose to support this year’s Tackle MS fundraiser.

A big thanks to everyone who kicked up your cleats and showed support for KV and MS! You can browse the pictures from the evening, including the photo booth pics under the “Pictures” tab. We look forward to next year’s KV’s Krew, Inc. fundraiser on Friday, November 14, 2014. Hope to see you there!

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KV's Krew, Inc. • P.O. Box 113, Canfield, OH 44406

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